Thursday, April 28, 2011

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Chicken house

This is the Chicken house that I am going to build it will be
30 foot long and it will be deviaded in to three pens. It is  a
Chicken house from the past my Grandma had about ten of
these around the Plantation so I thought that it would be neat
to build one Jest like Grandma had. it will have a yard in the
front and the back

Tuesday, April 19, 2011


                                           These are our new  Chickens
                                           I have 12 hens and Rosters
                                                Here are the nest for the eggs
                                           here is the feeder it hangs from the top off the grand
                                           I get about eight to ten eggs a day.  and I have more
                                           Chickens coming in Jun. 17 more Chickens.